Can you even imagine living in a time without a war of any kind going on in the world? George C. Kohn’s book titled Dictionary of Wars indicates that roughly from 2925 BC to now, there existed and still exists an unbroken period of hostility between one group of people and another. A Short History of War published by the US Army War College actually puts the starting date at 4000 BC. Before this date, war had not been invented!
The beginning of 2014 brings us more of the same. There are many conflicts throughout the world. Most recently these wars of one against another have presented as suicide bombings in Russia, conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Mideast, and mass executions in Sudan. On American soil, war started with the American Revolution in 1775-1783, the Civil War 1861-1865 , the attack on Pearl Harbor and World War II 1941-1945, the bombing at the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995, and the attack in New York City at the World Trade Towers in 2001. It continues, almost daily in the form of shootings, murder and suicides.
Are you tired enough of all of this conflict to make a change? Deepak Chopra in his book Peace is the Way says that “Peace is love in action. If you and I demonstrate that peace is more satisfying than war, the collective consciousness will shift”. And when this consciousness shifts we will no longer understand the idea of violence as a means to accomplish peace or security. We will understand that there is not a way to peace…but that peace is the way.
Peace isn’t accomplished by praying that it will happen some day. Peace is not about leaving it up to someone else who is ‘in charge’. Peace is not about waiting until the time is right, until everyone agrees to a set of rules. Peace is not about walling off our country from the rest of the world thinking that somehow that makes us more safe and that it can bring us peace.
Peace is about each of us making a conscious choice every day, with every one, in every situation and circumstance to come from love. It is about putting love in action and contributing to a shift in consciousness that will result in an end to violence, conflict and war. This personal transformation approach to peace is one that is gaining traction and the ONE WAY that will actually work…if enough of us are willing to commit to it.
Please join me in making the practice of peace, the expression of love from your heart your New Year’s resolution. We can change the world.
Peace always