Adjust Your Aim

Acknowledge that you missed the mark…and start again. Growing isn’t about getting it right all of the time. So much of what you have become has come out of the dark corners, the tough times, the setback and the failures. Missing the mark is just a place to start again.

Acknowledge that you missed the mark…and listen intently with curiosity to who might be calling you out. Is there some wisdom being shared that you need in order to get unstuck?

Acknowledge that you missed the mark…to yourself. Not so you can drown in self pity, but so that you can become a better you.

Everybody misses the mark. Maybe that is one of the intentions of this human experience…to have a chance to set ourselves right, to recover, to begin again. How else would you ever know how beautifully resilient you are? How amazingly strong? How tenderly humble?

How about just looking back over this single day and ask yourself…how did I miss the mark? Where was I not my best? And then decide to make an adjustment. That’s how you ‘fix’ missing the mark…you adjust your aim.

In this spiritual work we have to pay attention, pause to consider and then be humble with our new ‘aim’. Not to worry about missing the mark…I am certain we will have new opportunities quite often to aim again.

Much love

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