“Whatever affects one speck of life or a human being, affects the whole or the Universe, as the speck is an active part of the whole.” Dr. Paul Leon Masters
What we say, what we think and how we feel affects the Universe. Thinking and feeling and speaking create energetic vibrations that radiate out from us. You know this is true even if you haven’t thought much about it before. We are attracted to people who are welcoming and open. Without saying a word we want to be close to the person who is inviting us in and willing to hear us out. We feel better when we are in their company. In the same way we are repelled by the person who has a wall up, who is stressed out or shut down. We prefer not to be around them. We feel their dissatisfaction and maybe their fear or anger.
So what could this mean for each one of us? Well, it is not a lesson for, or about, the other person…it is a lesson for me and for you. Each positive or negative feeling radiating out from me/you affects the whole. Every thought, spoken word, action or idea radiates out from us into the universe. We, you and I, affect universal energy…we influence it by our negativity and by our positivity.
So which way do you want to influence the world? Do you realize that you have the power to make a big difference in a positive way by looking for the good, seeing the best and living from what is possible rather than what isn’t possible?
How do you want to affect the speck?
Much love