Agents of Change

In these times of suicide bombs and mass murders, we are wise to remember that our own thoughts and words affect the vibrational energy in the universe…toward love and kindness or toward hate, toward possibility or toward despair, toward peace or toward resistance. When we read about unconscionable acts of violence and see amazing grief and pain we might feel as if we are helpless to make a difference. This is simply not true. Every thought you think and every word you speak makes a difference. Do not make the mistake of believing that you are small and insignificant. It is far from the truth.

Every thought you have is creative and powerful. You create by your thinking, and by your thinking you can create anything. If you decide to reject thoughts of anger and judgment and to focus instead on thoughts of compassion, you will raise the energy in the universe toward love. In the process your heart will soften…people you encounter will feel it and those around the world will be better for it.

Every word you speak will either cleanse or poison the vibrational energy in the universe. Your words, like your thoughts, are creative and powerful. They ring out from your mouth…a proclamation of kindness and acceptance, or of meanness and hate…and they are felt beyond those within hearing distance.

We each can be powerful agents of change toward a world filled with more love and less hate. Don’t underestimate the power in your thoughts and in your words…in what you decide to post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram…what you write in an email…how you talk to the store clerk…how you talk to your own self. Commit to thinking and speaking only encouraging, uplifting, sincere, kind and yes, loving thoughts and words.

Hear me when I say…you make a difference!

Much love


3 Responses

  1. Thank-you for the reminder, Too easy to forget when so many acts of violence happen so close together over such a wide area. Makes it feel like its everwhere which just isn’t so. Blessings B

  2. I love the title of this reading….”Agents of Change”….I think we should put this on our business cards. Thank you for a timely reminder of the one thing we need most in these times…love!


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