Sometimes I feel discouraged. In a lot of ways the world seems to be upside down and turned around. Racism, anger, hate, abuse, injustice, struggle for equality and respect. Bombs, guns and greed. Destruction of the environment, the evaporation of civility and incessant drive for more and more and more. This list could go on.
Have we made any progress as a human species?
If I let my thinking get too far ahead of where I stand, life feels overwhelming. Either I want to retreat and hide from it all or live discouraged. Those don’t have to be the only choices. In fact there is a much more powerful choice. One that starts right where I am. I can choose to live from my soul.
Living from my soul means trusting that I am a part of something bigger than me…and at the same time trusting that every small act of kindness, generosity, friendship and love makes a difference. A real difference. Soul action creates a vibration, a wave, an energy that goes way beyond the act itself.
You got this.
Love always