
It is always wrong to bully. It is always wrong to harass, belittle and demean. It is always wrong to be disrespectful, to name call and to generalize about groups of people. It is always wrong to hate. It’s wrong because all of it comes from fear…and fear builds a wall in you, it hems you in, it blocks the light, it distorts your view. Fear makes your life miserable.

It is always dangerous to follow blindly and believe everything you read or hear. It’s dangerous because you let someone else decide. Why would you want to give your power away? Giving your power away makes you small.

It is foolish to think that you are always right, there is only one way and that everybody should agree. Living foolishly sets you up for disappointments and struggles…a lot of them.

It is always wise to think independently, do your own research, listen to understand and read beyond the headline. It’s always wise to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, to refrain from judgment and to be more curious. Wisdom grows in you when you live this way. You become more of what you want the world to be.

It is always joyful to practice kindness, empathy and compassion. You will notice that these practices open your heart and give you a wider view of the world. In joyfulness there is ease and connection.

It is always fulfilling to give…a smile, a hand, a gift. It is in our nature, really…to give our time and skills in service to others. If you want to feel good, if you want to feel a part of something bigger than yourself…give.

It is always a good idea to spend a little time everyday deciding how you want to live. If I have it right…you can choose to be miserable, small and disappointed or wise, connected and happy.


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