
In an instant things can dramatically change. That’s what we think. We are bopping along in life, living our days, taking care of business, in the rut or in the groove and then BAM! Something happens that changes everything.

Just this week a friend broke her leg while on vacation in Paris and another was diagnosed with cancer. BAM…everything changes. But is that what really happens?

If you think about it…everything doesn’t change. One thing changes. And that ‘one thing happening’ shifts our perspective so that everything seems different. What really happens is that we change. One thing happens and we change…we look at life differently, we see the world from a different perspective.

That’s why sometimes we call ‘big things that happen’ wake up calls. ‘Big things happening’ wake us up. We shake our head, clear out the cobwebs, open our eyes and see life differently. It’s really all the same out there …except for us. We’ve changed.

So today I’m asking you to notice how one ‘big thing happening’ has the power to change you for the better. How it can call you to live more fully, to laugh more often, to love more deeply, to appreciate more wholeheartedly and possibly to forgive more freely. Yes, I believe ‘big things happening’ have that potential hidden inside.

We just need to decide if we’re brave enough to come face-to-face with the ‘big thing’ and not turn away until we find the hidden treasure. Are you game?

All my love

One thought on “BAM!!!

  1. Kim Burleson

    Thanks for this message! I’ve been dealing with a “big thing “ & I totally agree with you. I’m sure that many people can relate to this!


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