Be Grateful

“Gratitude opens your consciousness to receive more. A supply of good is always available, for God is Omnipresent.”  Russell W. Lake

You cannot be in a state of gratitude and at the same time feel lack or hate or anger or jealousy or fear. Go ahead and try it. Only one emotion or feeling can occupy your consciousness at any one time. The practice of gratitude cancels out the limiting feelings that can trap us in despair or depression.

Being grateful and in a state of gratefulness allows us to feel connected and engaged to something beyond that for which we are grateful. It changes our perspective, it opens up our heart, it heals sadness, hurt and anger.

We can practice gratitude at any time. We don’t need to wait for a beautiful sunset, a winning lottery ticket or a birthday gift. We don’t need to be cured or to be in a loving relationship or have the perfect job or place to live. Nope…gratefulness is something we practice because we believe in the constant availability of good that is waiting only for an opening in our consciousness in order to flow into our life. Gratefulness provides this opening.

Chaz Wesley says, “To the degree with which you allow, you receive.”

To the degree with which you are grateful…to the degree with which you open up…to the degree with which you allow…you receive. The result of the practice of gratitude is good flowing through your life. The result is an inspired life…a joy-filled life…a life that is the best that it can be.

Be grateful…look for the good in all things…the simple, the complex…the ordinary, the extraordinary…things that have happened and things yet to happen. Be grateful for unlimited possibilities even if the temporary state of your life could use some tweaking.

If you are willing to open up and be grateful…your life will change. Are you ready?

Peace always


2 Responses

  1. Your message brought tears of gratitude (and recognition of the truth of your words) to my eyes. I needed to hear it. Thank you, Paula!


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