Be Hopeful

I met with my nutritionist earlier this week. We have been working together for a few months and I am feeling hopeful about my progress. I have been searching for a way to be in better health for almost five years. Today I am feeling hopeful.

One definition of this word in is “to feel that something desired may happen”. To feel hopeful is to feel optimistic or to have some confidence in what might happen. Feeling hopeful is important…it is living with possibility. It is living with less judgment and more acceptance…of self and of others. It is living in the moment and not letting the past or the future scare you or limit your thinking.

Living in possibility keep us moving forward and leaning in to life. Living in possibility is recognizing  that there is something greater, that things can change, that no matter what it looks like right now…that once again the feeling of wholeness is possible.

Hopelessness on the other hand keeps us stuck, afraid, angry and indifferent. Without hope, it is difficult to lean in to life. We live as the victim, the nobody, the disrespected. Just look at the news headlines, in your own family or in your circle of friends…there are many living without hope…stuck…angry…afraid.

So…how can we do it…live in possibility and claim hope in our own life? How about this perspective from Robert Brault:

If you knew that hope and despair were paths to the same destination, which would you choose?


Much, much love



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