Be Still

With all the craziness in the world, and possibly in your own life, please do not forget the spiritual practice of being still. We tend to want to do something, anything to make it better, figure it out or make it go away. We are sometimes frantic, sometimes frustrated, sometimes exhausted.

When we finally get to exhaustion, we stop, because we can’t possibly continue.

But we don’t have to wait for exhaustion. We can make rest and stillness part of our day. It can be for a single moment, a breath…or for a longer time in quiet solitude. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. Just be still. Let yourself be still. And breathe.

It may sound like not enough. But this practice has saved me many times. Saved me from being the opposite of who and what I really want to be. I want to be kind and compassionate. I want to feel peaceful and at ease. I want to feel hopeful. Practicing stillness helps me get there…and helps me stay there more often.

Please don’t forget to practice stillness. It may save you.
With great humility


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