I am not suggesting that you put your head in the sand and pretend that our world isn’t a ‘hot mess’ in some respects. I am asking you to use this as the catalyst to look for the good and then to be the good yourself.
I noticed that most of the stories about those who die at the hands of violence by others are people who will be dearly missed by family and friends. They are the ones who were full of life, love and possibilities. They treated others with kindness and respect. They wanted to change the world for good. Have you noticed that? There are millions of us living right now who are just like them.
I have never read a story about someone who died tragically that was described in a ‘we are better off without them’ sort of way. Have you noticed that, too? Maybe there really are very few of us who are acting from hate and fear.
I believe the scales are tipped in our favor…okay? There are more of us, right now, coming from love.
Take a look at the news on goodnewsnetwork.org or today.com/news/good-news . If you do, you will read the story of the man with the umbrella. You will see kindness in action…for no reason…other than Love wanting to express itself. There are millions of us just like him…millions! You could not convince me that millions acting from Love could not make an impact in this ‘hot mess’ of a world. It has to make a difference. It can’t not make a difference.
Read some good news. Don’t be discouraged. Do some good. Join the millions and millions of us who will never make headline news…but will be the force that changes the world.
Much love