Be The Wave

Isn’t it interesting how one phone call, one bit of news, one tiny sentence like ‘Oh, that will never work’ or ‘That’s a great idea’, can immediately change your day? It’s amazing sometimes how we ride this wave. Good news, compliment, something that made you smile…riding high on that wave. Bad news, put down, something that made you cry…tumble and face plant into the wave.

Just notice this. Notice how you can change in almost an instant. Notice how you beam and feel like anything is possible or how you scowl and feel extremely agitated or how you crumble and feel hopeless, in an instant. Notice how events, opinions, and other people’s actions affect you. Notice, too, that events, what people say, and what people do are completely out of your control. Kind of like the wave. No telling how it is coming in or where it might take you.

The wave is just the wave. We don’t expect it to be a certain way. We take it the way it is and learn how to move with it. We don’t blame the wave for how we feel and we don’t rely on it to make us happy. What if this was our approach in life?

What if events, opinions and other people’s actions are just the way life is? What if we didn’t expect them to be a certain way? What if we just took life the way it is and learned how to move with it? What would it take?

It takes believing that life is more than what we see…that there is a greater, invisible wisdom at work in the world.
It takes believing in yourself…relying on an inner confidence that comes out of stillness.
It takes believing that what is possible simply isn’t visible…yet.

This is not riding the wave…it is being the wave. Be the wave.
Love always

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