Be Well

“Inner sensitivity is a symptom of non-well-being.” Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul

Our expectation that other people act, speak and treat us a certain way is the cause of much of our suffering. Think about it. Think about it right now. Who in your life is it that brings up judgment, guilt, pressure, depression, anger, passive-aggressive behavior, hurt…in you? Who is it that makes you want to scream, pull out your hair, get in their face, let them know they are wrong?

It is amazing how many moments of our life we give away to these emotions and behaviors when we have such a short precious time to live. These ways of being, or what Michael calls non-well-being, rise from our wounded self…the one that expects the outside world to conform to our perspective and idea of how life should be. If anyone disrupts our vision, we react…we want it to be different, better, our way. We want to fix it, make it go away or run from it.

We have set ourselves up with such an unrealistic expectation. We expect that the entire world, every person…neighbor, co-worker, family member, ex-_____, store clerk, stranger, minister, team member, coach, service provider, potential employer, boss, friend, bus driver…any driver of anything, kids, boyfriend or girlfriend, bloggers, politicians and world leaders past and present…we expect all of them to speak and act according to our idea of how life should be. How do you know if this is true for you? Examine your reaction. Does it include any of the emotions or behaviors I mention above?

If you have an inner sensitivity to what ‘they’ say and how ‘they’ act, it is a call to examine the place in you that is feeling hurt or anger or depression. There is nothing in the external world that can alleviate these feelings…only you can decide to be well.

Michael says “…everything will be okay as soon as you are okay with everything.” Think about it…how this applies to the one person who you allow to trap you in non-well-being.

Peace always



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