A dear friend reminded me recently about how seductive the physical world can be. We get sucked into the lack and limitation we experience in our body, our circumstance and our environment. We form our beliefs based on what others say is possible and where we are in the moment. Sometimes we look around and think all hell is breaking loose!
Hear this…stop giving in to the seductive nature of what is and instead depend on the power of your own mind! Stop listening to those who say it’s not possible or that will never happen or you are just dreaming. Stop looking out into the world and feeling deflated and defeated. Don’t let anyone take your power away. Decide right now that you are way more than any of that. You have the power of your mind.
Believe it! That’s the first step. Believe that your mind is the most powerful thing in the world. You have the power to define your life with your mind…along with the power behind your mind…the Universe Itself. Whatever the obstacle, whatever the circumstance, you have the power to define your life.
It may seem hopeless looking out into the world. You may feel helpless if you define yourself that way. Stop. Breathe. Turn your attention within. Decide to depend on the power of your mind to believe in possibility and the love pouring from your heart. The mind and the heart…the original dynamic duo!
Believing all things are possible,
One Response
Thanks again for reminding us that we all have the mind power to move beyond all of the chaos that is a seductive distraction. My Nana who was into metaphysics from the beginning always said to me, “Don’t scatter your forces.” In other words stay focused, positive and know that God is with you always.
All things are possible!