“In my life, I have known truth and beauty and peace to be ever-present companions that I often sit beside, bemoaning their absence.” Mark Nepo, The Exquisite Risk
I know it’s the holiday season. For many people there is much joy and celebration. For many others there is sadness and struggle. Right now there are people in my life, who I love very much, who are experiencing a difficult diagnosis, a not so successful surgery, separation and divorce, the first year or anniversary without a loved one, a strained relationship and the recent death of a dear, dear friend. It is for these dear ones and many others that I offer these words.
I believe what Mark says. Right there beside the hurt or pain or sadness there is something greater, something nourishing, something beautiful. When we live life on the surface, wandering around aimlessly, looking to the outside world to heal us, to make it better…to do something, damn it…we cannot know the truth, see the beauty or experience the peace.
But just below the surface is where we can be still…where the turbulence of life is no longer acute. In the stillness we recognize that there is something more…more powerful, more intimate, more true. Though the sadness and struggle are alive at the surface, there is courage, resilience, possibility and peace beneath.
How to get there? First, be gentle with yourself. Choose what makes you feel the best…for you. Second, resolve to see beauty in the simple, ordinary, everyday things. Third, take many moments to be still. In the stillness you will know what you cannot know bobbing around on the surface….wisdom, peace and yes, love.
Wishing you wisdom, peace and beauty, now and always.
Much love
2 Responses
Well Said,. Quite Beautiful!
That really hit home. Thank you Paula.