Best Choice

What’s more important: getting your way or being peaceful and at ease? Maybe it’s a tough choice, especially when emotions are high and you are passionate about how things should be. Or maybe getting your way is really about standing up for yourself, your needs and desires…so how can that not be the best choice? You might be thinking…why can’t I have it both ways?

The short answer is…because everybody wants both, we don’t agree on everything and we control nothing outside of our thoughts. Someone is always ‘not going to get their way’ and when that happens there is often less peace and ease. If you really want more peace and ease the place to start is to simply accept that you will not always get your way. Say it out loud…I will not always get my way! Say it again and this time believe it. It is the truth. You are not always going to get your way.

It doesn’t mean how you feel doesn’t matter, or what you have to say isn’t important, or that something doesn’t need to change. It just means that right now it doesn’t look like what you had hoped or envisioned. Right now the path you have mapped out in your mind and the passion rising from your heart hasn’t found its place in the world.

When you are in this discomfort you have a choice. You can push and fight, resist and struggle, or you can take a deep breath, release the need to have it your way right now and slip into peace and ease in mind and heart.

Out of peace and ease comes clarity and conviction, seeing the bigger picture, and finding a way to fulfill your needs and desires. The path broadens and possibilities emerge. Is there a better choice than this?

Much love to you always

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