Better Weeks

Not every week is my best week. Some weeks I feel sad, worried, discouraged, ill at ease. Sometimes I feel this way from reading the news and other times as a result of a poor decision I made or a situation I’ve put myself in. Sometimes I feel hurt because of a story I made up about what someone else said or did. Sometimes I just feel bad…physically. Even if the sun is shining, sometimes it’s just not the best week.

So, what to do? I’ve decided that every once in a while it’s okay to have a not-my-best-week. I spend more time alone, practice saying no, give myself a chance to heal. I hibernate for a little while. I don’t try to make it anything other than what it is…a not-so-good-week.

And you know what happens? I eventually have a better week. It starts after I’ve given enough attention and space for the sadness, worry or hurt. I’ve wrestled with it, cried about it, ruminated, and prayed. I’m ready to move forward. I’m able to move because somehow, I find my peace in all of it. Maybe some strength or courage I wasn’t sure I had. I feel a little lighter.

Grateful for better weeks…and the courage to get there.


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