Black and White

Many things are more complex than they first appear. Maybe complex isn’t quite the right word. How about multi-layered? The story, the whole story, the true story is usually deeper and richer and has many details and nuances.

Then there’s this…you are either with me or against me, my way or the highway, take it or leave it. Are those really the only choices? I don’t think so. I believe there are endless shades of grey and patterns and levels of light and dark in between. We have been conditioned to believe in this ‘all or nothing’ approach to life. I’m calling it out right here.

You know what I wonder? What happened in the life of someone…

  • who intentionally hurts others?
  • who has developed an insatiable thirst for power and money?
  • who cannot accept responsibility for their actions?
  • who loves drama?
  • who is incapable of loving themselves?
The Somme, France

We all have a story…a multi-layered, multi-dimensional, unique and supremely nuanced story. There is no black and white to it. That’s true for everybody. We would be wise to put away the this-or-that approach to life and instead maintain an openness and curiosity. Maybe resist putting others in a one-size-fits-all box of sorts.

We might remember more often…there but for the grace of God go I.

Much love

One thought on “Black and White

  1. Sandra Thompson

    I have come to the conclusion that most is gray with folks until you open your heart to them and let them in with love. When they open up, only then can you see the real person from your loving heart and soul.


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