
I don’t have enough time. There is too much to be done. I couldn’t possibly squeeze in one more thing. That’s what we think sometimes. But is it really true? What I know for sure is that I always make time for what is important.

So, I don’t need more time…I just need the desire to live what is essential. Every day. No matter what. And one thing that brings this into crystal clear focus is the experience of letting go of a beloved pet.

Tomorrow at 12:15pm, our beloved Buddha will make his way over that rainbow bridge. In one week he went from his happy, sweet, little-man self to sad, uncomfortable and hiding under the bed. After spending the night at the emergency vet hospital, and stealing the heart of Dr. Ruffner with his sweetness, he was diagnosed with lymphoma. Our sweet boy is letting us know he is ready to go. Our hearts are broken.

It’s like time stands still when you’re getting ready to say good-bye. Things that seemed to need attention right away no longer even register. So many things fall away. Tenderness feels overwhelming. Grief is hard. You know what? There is always enough time for what is important.

That’s all can bear to write today. Love you Buddha Buddha.

6 thoughts on “Buddha

    1. Eileen Argenbright

      My heart and prayers go out to you both. If today a smile comes to you, a happy smile that perhaps you can’t explain……..It’s because in that moment, Buddha is thinking of you – and smiling too! Love and hugs, Eileen

  1. Debby Creasy

    Paula, I am so very sorry to hear about your beautiful, sweet boy. Our beloved pets bring so much
    into our lives, and they leave our hearts greatly saddened yet deeply and forever filled with the paw prints of their souls.


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