From The Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, page 25, published by Advaita Ashrama
Such a simple idea, don’t you think? And how quickly we forget. What if we decided that in every situation, and with every person, we would choose to be and do good no matter what?
It is most helpful to have an idea of what ‘good’ means…of what it means to do good. If we want to experience freedom and deepen our understanding of truth as suggested by Buddha then we need to expand the definition of good beyond what is good only for us. Good must be about good for the whole. To understand this ‘good’ we might ask our self…So, is this choice the best for all involved? or How does this choice or action support the greater good?
In other words, we really need to get more in the habit of looking at the bigger picture. We need to expand our view into the world. We need to stop pretending that it is enough to do good in a little circle around where we live and move, and only with the people we love and who love us.
The good that we do and the good that we are must always come from a heart and mind filled with love, joy, peace, and strength. Good cannot be good if it springs from anything less than these.
Pause, take a deep breath, let your heart soften…allow goodness to spring from you…always.
With a commitment to do good and be good no matter what,
One Response
Love that!! Thank you!