Called to be Holy

Holy means to be devoted to the service of God. It’s not a great leap to know that serving the Divine, serving God, is about serving others. It is how we live a spiritual life.

There is a TV show that Renee and I watch called New Amsterdam. In the show, the medical director at this hospital in New York is like none other they’ve had in the past. When a problem arises, and there are many in the hospital setting, his response is…how can I help? He asks this question to his staff, to his Board, to his patients. He sincerely asks. And then he acts. Sometimes he fails, sometimes he succeeds, always he learns. In this TV drama, the main character is an example of  living a holy life, right where he is.

This is a great model for all of us. In our own unique and essential way…we are called to be holy, right where we are, by serving others. We are called to ask these simple questions. How can I help? What is mine to do? How can I be a beautiful and kind expression of God right here?

You are called to be holy right where you are. Don’t hold back. Sometimes you will fail and sometimes you will succeed. Always you will learn. Always you will make a difference.

Much love always

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