
We’ve all heard it said…the only constant in life is change. This is easier to believe when it’s someone else that is having a particularly intense experience of change. Even though we might know this truth on an intellectual level, when change comes knocking on our door we might not be as open to it. Sometimes it might be a change that we initiate and other times it is beyond our control. Changes that deal with losing a job, being diagnosed with an illness or having a car accident seem to be things that are happening to us and result in changes that we tend to resist or try to fix. Even when we initiate a change like moving to a new city, going back to school at 40 or committing to a new relationship we can feel tension, maybe even questioning our choice.

If change really is the only constant in life…I say we should embrace it! I mean all the way! Open up your arms and your heart, in fact you whole self and give it a big old hug…embrace it! Know that this change, whatever it is, will serve to expand your life in ways you would not know unless you choose to be open to it. Know that there is an opportunity here to be the best and biggest self you can be. Change is the only constant in life and here you are right in the midst of it. It is a great place to be!

Change is the place of potential and growth. It is the edge of your comfort zone and the springboard into the next phase of your life. Change requires stretching and trusting and believing in yourself. It is about showing up to life and not backing down.

One of my favorite rock-n-rollers from the 70’s, David Bowie, had it right…Ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strain, ch-ch-ch-changes. Facing the strain will take you further than you otherwise might go…and the strain part is only temporary. As you learn to let change be a great teacher you will look forward to the gifts that it brings.

With much joy to you


2 Responses

  1. I love this line “opportunity to be the best and biggest self you can be”. Change allows us to move into the unknown and it is there we discover so much.


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