Do you ever really think about what you believe? I mean…stop to ponder, sit and wonder, be still and let your mind and heart collide? What do you believe about yourself, life, death, possibilities, obstacles?
I have always taught that we operate in the world according to our beliefs…and this is true. Our beliefs are the foundation from which we choose and judge and live in the world. But I think that we operate too often without a conscious awareness of our beliefs. We are on auto-pilot and at times not even aware of our beliefs or of the words coming from our mouth and the impact of our actions. Our mind and heart are disconnected.
Many people take great pause when asked…what do you really belief about yourself, about how life works, about God, about the possibility of peace, about the possibility of dying gracefully, about helping others, about your responsibility to contribute? And not just what do you really believe…but how do you demonstrate it with your words and actions?
There is some wisdom in a Bible verse that fits here for me. From 1 Corinthians 13:1, “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put aside childish ways.“.
Today I am calling you to grow spiritually…with awareness. I am calling you to examine what you truly believe and to put aside anything you find that is childish…to put aside any idea or belief that is not mature. You will recognize ‘childish’ ways and beliefs. They are full of judgment, suspicion, fear and lack. They conjure up worry, indifference and hopelessness. Become conscious of your true nature, deep in your heart and choose to put aside anything you find that does not represent your highest and best self.
And then speak and act from that place.
Much love,