
You think you don’t have a choice…but you do. You think there isn’t any other way…but there is. Even if you feel boxed into a corner, all you have to do is turn around and look out away from the walls to see an open space.

Here’s the thing. We think there is no other choice because we are unwilling to make a change, unable to see beyond the current condition or afraid that something else won’t work out. Maybe it’s because someone told us it wouldn’t work or maybe we lack the confidence in our own self. There is always another choice. If you are not happy with the one you made to bring you to this moment, you simply have to make another choice.

“But Paula”, you say, “I HAVE to do this, I HAVE to be here or, I HAVE to show up. I have no choice about this, that or the other thing.” Well, yes you do. You have been lying to yourself. You always have a choice…sometimes not about what happens, but always about how you choose to engage in life. About how you go forward from this very moment now.

What’s missing is conscious choosing. Conscious choosing requires a pause to check in with yourself. Is this what I want? Is it who I want to be? Does it feel good and right and true? Does it get me what I want? And in a spiritual context…is it good for everybody?

We make choices all of the time. Big choices, little choices, serious choices, lighthearted choices. When we make conscious choices we live in alignment with our soul. There is a lot less whining and complaining and feeling the world has us by the tail. Instead…just the next best decision. And then the next.

That’s the other thing about choices…most are usually not the final choice. My dear friend Richard Levy used to say…Everything is cast in jello. That’s true about choices. You can’t undo them…but you can make another one.

Whew. I think it’s time for a nap! Good choice for a rainy day!
Much love

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