Choose the Best Seat

“To overcome external circumstances, you must first overcome your internal world.”  Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Some of us spend a lot of time trying to change outer conditions and circumstances so that our life will be different, better, easier, more productive. We can come up with some extraordinary and complex ways by which we will achieve our personal nirvana…if only this would happen, if only he/she would do or be this, if only I had more of this, if I didn’t have to suffer with this…well, then life would be grand! We put conditions on our own happiness that will only be resolved if the world around us would adjust itself to our view. When the world stays the same or barely budges we shrug and believe that maybe this is the best it will ever be. Sigh…

What requires adjustment is not the world…but our view of the world. We need to adjust our  way of looking at the world, at our circumstances, at our own self. In other words, we should choose a different seat. You can relate to this, right? If you attend a lecture, a sports event, a concert or are in a classroom…the seat you have makes a difference in your view. If you are in the third row watching a parade or in a skybox at a hockey game…it makes a difference in how you see the event.

And so it is with where you are in your mind when looking out at the world, at yourself and others. In what seat are you sitting in your own mind? I encourage you to get out of the ‘if only this’ seat and into the seat of possibility, potential and prosperity! This seat opens you to consider these questions: what is possible for me in this, how can I use this to grow, what is this calling me to be/do/have?

In your mind all seats are available and they are the same price. Which you choose, however, will make a difference in how you see the world and yourself.

My advice…choose the best seat…the one that brings you the most happiness.



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