Clear Vision

I saw this quote on Facebook: If it broke your heart but fixed your vision, you won.

Right away I could feel the complete truth of it. It also quickly reminded me of how hard it is to experience a broken heart. And while that heart is broken, how far it is from feeling like you’ve won anything. Because a broken heart is a real thing. Nobody can tell you it shouldn’t hurt, and no one can make it all better. In the midst of the experience of a broken heart there is no winning.

It’s only over time that the way you see things can change. It’s only over time that a heart might heal just enough to allow a new perspective. Deep hurts open us up and they also make room in us for something else, something new, something we couldn’t have possibly known.

How else do we become humble and grateful? How else do we become better humans? How else can we relate to each other more fully? How else can we accept the mystery that is life?

I don’t know about you, but I am grateful to have improved vision. Through all of my hurts I do feel like I’ve won. I am proud of my scars, but more importantly I am proud of who I have become. I don’t look forward to more broken heart experiences. I do know my vision can always be clearer.

That’s a win in my book.
Much love always

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