Come On People Now…

The tragedy in Washington DC at the Navy Shipyard is on my mind. Twelve people went to work Monday morning and most likely did not have one thought about not returning home that same evening. I thought to myself as I pulled out of my driveway this morning…what if…what if this was the last time I traveled to end of the driveway, under the cool shade of the oaks and pines…made a left turn onto 23rd Street and started my day, not to return. What if? What if a flood took my home…or my life tomorrow? What if my body decided this was the day…the day that my heart stopped beating. What if?

Well, I’ve decided it’s time for me to go beyond the pondering, questioning and even the praying. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to quit judging everything and everyone as if I am in charge. It’s time to wake up…and to realize that this is the one short life-dash I have. I want to spend my time doing and being the best that I can be. I want to be courageous, passionate, energized and inspired. I want to make a difference. Do you?

I am committed to not letting one more tragedy pass before I am more kind and loving. If this is my last day on earth…I want it to be full of love. I want to feel joyful…no matter that I have a doctor’s appointment today. I want to see beauty everywhere…not be frustrated that they forgot to pick up the recycle container on Monday. I want to  notice people…acknowledge them, listen…and not just walk on by as if they weren’t even there. I want to engage in life from a heart filled with love.

When we each finally start to act like we care…all the time…when we finally realize that every moment counts…when we finally understand that we don’t operate independently of the whole…that is the moment when the consciousness in the world will shift. That is when we will make a difference.

I really want to pull back into my  driveway tonight…but if I don’t…it really matters most that I loved today.

Come on people now, are you with me on this?


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