
Oh my, how we work to control the uncontrollable…meaning just about everything! There is precious little we can control. We only need to notice our own level of frustration and resistance to measure our effort at controlling what cannot be controlled. I could make a long list here…one I am deeply familiar with because, well, it’s my list. But I am guessing you have one that is your very own, so no need.

Every once in a while wisdom seeps in to remind us we have no control…and often we still stew in resistance. After all, we can’t control it but we certainly don’t have to be happy about it, right?

I got a text from a dear friend this week. Her husband had a needle biopsy procedure on a curious spot that had appeared rather quickly. The results showed cancer. There will be follow up appointments with specialists and a plan to follow. But on that day, with that information, he decided to perform the very best self-care he could…and went golfing. My friend was happy and at peace with that.

So there it is. Do I need to comment more? I think not.

With gratitude for the wisdom among us,

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