It’s November. The holiday season is starting…already. For some, there is great anticipation for decorating, celebrations, warm and cozy togetherness. This anticipation feels good and exciting. For others, it will be the first time they will be without a treasured loved one. This anticipation is more about emptiness and maybe even dread. It feels hollow and sad. There are many places in between these two experiences of anticipation. Something to think about.
This exact thing happens every-single-year.
Knowing this clarifies two things for me. First, that it is important to make conscious choices for engaging in this season…to make the best choice for me wherever I find myself along the spectrum of anticipation. I don’t have to get caught up in what others decide. I can be true to me. If you needed it…permission granted!
Second, be kind. Really. Resist the urge to judge or condemn. Stop the gossip and story-telling about others we know precious little about. Be kind. Offer a smile, complement them on the decor, allow others to be who and how they want to be. Don’t discount their feelings or tell them how they should feel.
These are important reminders for me. They really apply all year long. They are the practices of self-acceptance and kindness.

Deep breath
One Response
Welcome words, this time of year, can be so hard for
Acceptance is so important of others
Blessings, Beverly