Deep Joy

Don’t forget to feel the joy in life. In the midst of the pandemic, in our exhaustion with it all, in our sorrow and grief, in our pain of what has been and what is still…don’t forget to feel the joy. I am talking about a deep sense of joy, a lightness of being, an awe-of-creation kind of joy. This kind of joy emanates from the soul. It is in us, and is touched when we pause long enough to notice. Then we feel it…a sense of joy.

Warm sunshine in my face, the orchid bud ready to burst, the pair of bluebirds at the feeder, clear blue sky, drenching rain, children playing, anyone laughing, dogs sniffing, hugs, smiles, comforting words, compassionate eyes, music, art, friends, family, solitude, stillness. Pause to feel the joy.

There is joy because there is God. There is the movement of the Divine in all things tiny and magnificent…including in me! Pause to notice…pause to feel deep joy. Then we might know what it is to see as God sees and to love as God loves.


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