Do the Moment

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Silly question, right? It happens. It happens when we are carried out of the present moment. Sometimes we get carried into the past with guilt, resentment or unforgiveness. More often we feel overwhelmed about the future with fear, anxiety or worry. It’s not fun feeling overwhelmed.

To quote Bob Dylan: There must be some kind of way outta here. I agree.

I’ve noticed when I just ‘do’ the moment, that overwhelming feeling dissipates. When I ‘do’ whatever the moment is calling for, I gain a bit more balance and ease. Just this…just ‘do’ this right here in front of me. That’s it. The next best step, best choice, highest thought, or kind action. The-very-next-one.

It takes practice to bring myself back to the moment. It does get easier with practice. After a while, ‘bringing myself back to the moment’ becomes the way I live. It becomes part of the fabric of my life. I notice myself straying and I bring myself back.

Less overwhelmed. More present. Best life.


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