I read a story on NPR about Frances H. Arnold. She is the fifth woman in 117 years to win the Nobel Prize. She won it for her work in the field of chemistry. This is the quote from the story by Emily Sullivan and Nell Greenfieldboyce that I want to take a minute to consider.
“I’m sure that there are people who are skeptical that a woman can do this job as well as a man,” Arnold continued, adding, “I am blissfully unaware of such people — and have been gifted with the ability to ignore them completely.”
I just love it. It is no wonder that she achieved a high level of success. She ignored what others might think and she did her ‘thing’. What a great template for the rest of us.
Too often we let what others think and say determine what we can accomplish. We let them decide how far we can go in life. We take on their doubt, skepticism and small mindedness…we invite it in and give it a reserved parking space in our mind. To be sure there can be plenty of obstacles in the world…it is not always a level playing field.
Hear this: No one but you can tilt the field in your mind and heart. You have complete reign on that field. No one else has a lifetime parking space in your mind and heart. You can revoke their pass at any time. You can choose to be blissfully, joyfully, happily unaware of those who would hold you back as you pursue your passion.
Do your thing…blissfully, joyfully, happily.
One Response
I guess, as an optimist, I believe we are better served believing in possibility, then not. I have long felt that everything is doable even though, at the moment I may not as yet thought of the solution – but will. After decades of reflection, I am convinced this is the better path forward in life, otherwise we unfairly limit ourselves. How sad that is. Cliff