
What really gets on your last nerve? Name it…that thing that drives you crazy, makes you want to pull your hair out, stomp your feet and shout ‘I can’t take it anymore!!!’. Got it?

Now consider this. You are the one who gives ‘that thing’ permission to influence your life. You throw open the door, invite it in for a long, cool drink and a seat on the lounge chair by the pool. You allow it to take up residency in your mind…absolutely for free.

The truth is nothing can drive you crazy unless you let it. It can only drive you crazy if you have a grip on it…as in white knuckle, refuse to let it go, oh hell no grip. If you ever decided to let it go, that crazy, whipped up, stompfest would cease immediately.

So the question is this…Is holding on getting you more of what you want in your life…or is letting go really the best decision? It really is that simple. This is the practice, over and over again. The practice of letting go of that which does not bring you joy, peace, contentment, inspiration, satisfaction, connection, wholeness and love.

andrew michell photography

Really, just let it go.

One thought on “Drives-Me-Crazy!

  1. Pam Reynolds

    right on target….as usual (and funny)…..stompfest…Really? Love it!
    I’m adding this to my list of favorite expressions!!


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