
There is a lot of ‘good stuff’ in the Bible. By that I mean words to live by and a direction to follow. That’s what Jesus said…follow me. He didn’t say worship me. Basically he said…listen up and do the things I do.

Here is what he said in  Luke 6:37 from The Message Bible – Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults – unless of course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier.

What a simple and powerful message. Be easy on people. Don’t be so quick to jump to judgment, call them names, shake your head and wag your finger. That kind of treatment tends to be returned right back to you. Why? Because like energy attracts like energy.

And there is something else to consider.  In the moment of judging others, of name-calling and sharp criticism, we embody that same energy that we give out…and that energy impacts us from the inside. In those moments our body is tense and our hearts are hardened. Holding condemnation and contempt, we stiffen, our blood pressure rises and our pulse quickens. Let’s face it, it just feels bad. In these moments we are far from love.

I believe the purpose of life is to show up as love as often as we can…to be easy on people. That is how we live a life of ease and a life of love. What could be more important?

With much love

3 thoughts on “Easy

  1. Bob Greenwald

    Very well put Paula. Judging may give us a temporary feeling of superiority over someone, but like you said, we start feeling something eating at us from the inside out.

    1. Beverly Perry

      Very well said, no judging, but holding
      them in love. I don’t know their history, or what they’re going through. Love always,
      always love.

  2. Sandra Thompson

    Wow, after reading your powerful message, I just had to share this:
    My son has been homeless for many years. He is now living with me and our we have created this motto to live by – “Don’t judge, I won’t judge you; be kind to me, I’ll be kind to you; respect me, I’ll respect you; love me and I will love you.” We both have been down difficult roads in different but like ways.
    Our motto is rocking it!! We are so grateful!!!
    Love my son with my heart and soul. He is an amazing ole soul himself and so very wise!
    Thanks for reading – hugs 🤗


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