“The opinion you have of yourself is making or breaking you.” Dr. Paul Leon Masters, University of Metaphysics, Sedona AZ.
We all have opinions about many things. But have you ever really thought about the opinion you have of yourself? What is it that you really think and believe about who and what you are?
If you took a few moments to consider this question, you might first think about your shortcomings rather than your strengths. You might begin to judge the choices you’ve made rather than accept yourself exactly as you are. You might feel resigned to life as it is rather than feeling the energy of possibilities for your future.
Maybe your first thoughts are powerful and filled with confidence. Bravo! Does your life reflect your desires? Is it filled with joy? Do you feel satisfied or is there an undercurrent of discomfort?
How you think about yourself affects your whole life. It affects you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The opinion you have of yourself is the foundation from which you experience life. Too often our opinion about ourself has its foundation on what other people think and how we fit into that paradigm. We look outside to the world around us for validation, acceptance and power…and we never find enough of what we’re looking for.
Sometimes our opinion is based on the stories we have constructed about our worthiness and if we deserve to have the best, to be the best and to feel the best. These false beliefs become the foundation for a life of struggle, doubt, fear and the feeling of being stuck.
Hear this…there is no greater power you can have over your own life than the opinion you carry of yourself. Become aware of your opinion. If it doesn’t serve your highest good…let it go. Know this for sure…power and possibility lie within you.
Much love