Expand This

I was thinking this week about those boys and their coach trapped in a cave in Thailand for nine days. All thirteen were found alive. Scores of skilled people from all over the globe arrived to lend their expertise.  The whole world was riveted by the search. We are riveted still by what it will take to free them from this underground chamber. Thirteen need help. The world responds. Goodness, kindness and compassion are alive.

I also read this article about the Japanese Soccer Team who competed at the World Cup in Russia. They lost to Belgium earlier this week. They were leading early 2-0 and ended up losing the match 3-2. Tough loss. What did they do? First they bowed to their fans in appreciation of their support and then they cleaned the locker room and left a note of thanks…in Russian. Earlier in the tournament after one of their wins, their fans cleaned up trash from the stadium. Really?  Respect, grace, gratitude and appreciation are alive.

I just finished reading a book by Sally Kohn called The Opposite of Hate. In it she tells tells an intimate story that came out of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. In 100 days that year the Hutu majority killed about 800,000 of the minority Tutsis. John, whose entire Tutsi family was killed, is today married to the woman whose father led the Hutu militia that killed them. How can it be? Forgiveness and love are alive.

These wide ranging examples show the best that we humans can be. They show what is possible…no matter what. That in this world seemingly full of too much hate, competition and division there is kindness, grace and forgiveness. You just need to notice it. And then decide to practice it in your own life so that this aliveness expands and takes over the entire planet, maybe even the universe.

Always love

2 thoughts on “Expand This

  1. Julie Powell

    Thank you Paula! Enjoyed reading your post. Keeping grace and gratitude in mind and at the forefront of our days – in easy and in difficult circumstances, is important. Not always easy to implement – but working on it. Your post reminds me of this. Thank you again.

  2. Beverly Perry

    Beautifully said Paula, thank you for your
    Words. They resonate with me so well.
    Sorry to miss our one year anniversary. My Spirit will be in the room.
    Love always, always love ❤️


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