First Gear

I feel off my game. A little blue. Over-extended. Disconnected. Things look a bit dull. I just want to go back to bed.

I think the ‘wanting to go back to bed’ gives me a clue. If I take an honest look inward, I realize that I have spent precious little time in first gear. Lately I have been checking off the boxes, getting things done, making things happen. My head has been down and focused on the next thing…and then the next. My Daytimer calendar (yes I have one) is full. I have been operating in overdrive. Sound familiar?

It is not admirable to be ‘so busy’ all of the time. Busy doesn’t mean I’m important. It doesn’t mean you should be impressed by my busyness. It is not a badge of honor. Busy just means…engaged in activities. There is no inherent greatness to it.

Getting things done is good…but there is more to a healthy, balanced life than that. When I am ‘so busy’ who knows how much I miss about life…the first gear life like noticing the daffodils poking through the ground or the tulip trees blooming already. What about things like reading, visiting and daydreaming…preparing food from scratch, breakfast out on a Saturday morning, an impromptu side-trip to…anywhere?

I want a healthy, more balanced life…so today I’m going to gear it down. I’m going to enjoy my tea, buy some flowers, sit in the sun for a little while, walk slowly, cook from scratch, maybe something else, maybe not.

My busyness will just have to wait!
Breathing in and out…smiling,

2 thoughts on “First Gear

  1. Julie

    I can relate. I feel like I’m on a speeding train and the beauty around me is completely unnoticed. Time to gear it down. Yes!!! The trick is – how?

  2. diane

    I keep thinking I should be getting more done right now, so this message is very timely for me. I will stop with the thoughts of “I need to accomplish more” this week and instead of counting my steps on the fitbit, I will count the daffodils in bloom ;))
    Thanks Paula


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