What do you know for sure? Think about that. What do you know with certainty…no matter what? I answered this question in my journal this morning. I didn’t have to ponder very long.
This is what I know for sure: I can choose how I want to be. I have complete freedom in this. No one else controls my being-ness. I may struggle to be the ideal I desire, it may be hard sometimes, I might need help to make it through. But my being-ness is my choice…all the time.
Just because I know this for sure does not mean I practice with impunity. Sometimes the way I am is opposite of how I really want to be. I pay a price for being mean or impatient or judgmental. It doesn’t feel good. When I’m finally tired of myself, I choose again. It’s the thing I’m sure of…I can always choose how I want to be, again.

What do you know for sure..no matter what?
Learning as I go,
One Response
Love having choices! ❤️