Forty Days to Transformation

“When we withdraw our attention, interest and support from the false and the unworthy, this is true fasting. When we give that same attention, interest and support to the enduring good, we are feasting on the things of Spirit, and this is true prayer.” Georgiana Tree West in the Forward to Charles Fillmore’s book Keep a True Lent.

We are in the Lenten season observed by many Christian faiths. It is a season of preparation including fasting and prayer. It is common to ‘give up’ some sort of luxury, food or drink. If it stops right there…it might be a physical or even psychological benefit….but what about how it relates to living a Christian life?

Forty days symbolized for the Hebrew writers the idea of ‘four square’ or foundation. So in this season we are laying the foundation for our Easter transformation. On what are we putting our attention? What is the objective of our fasting? Many times when I was a child the object was to get it done so that I could once again eat and drink what I wanted. What kind of transformation does this behavior produce?

If our forty days is to result in a transformation we are wise to fast from criticism, judgment and negativity….and live from a loving and compassionate heart. We must loosen our grip on blame and victim mentality…and forgive and let go to experience true freedom. We need to change our mind about not having enough, being enough or doing enough…and reside in the belief that there is no lack or limitation. We must know in our heart and mind…in fact with our whole being…that there is only one Source from which all is created…everpresent God, Spirit, Consciousness, Life, Mind.

These are the ideas of ‘enduring good’. If we dare practice these with a sincere heart, our Easter experience will feel like the resurrection…a lifting of our consciousness out of the dark into the Easter morning light. This effort can begin at any time. My Easter experience can be every day or any day that I reside in the comfort of these Truths.

Practice well.



2 Responses

  1. Just what I needed to hear, Paula! Thank you for your beautiful writing and much-needed wisdom.


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