
Life is fragile. By that I mean we are all vulnerably delicate. A day begins and by the time it’s over it can seem very different. Well, maybe not everyday feels this way. But today I was reminded of the fragile nature of life.

I had my yearly physical today. My blood pressure was 120/64. I am amazed and elated. Soon I will celebrate the completion of sixty-four years on this planet. I take no medications. My blood work is perfect. Did I mention my blood pressure is 120/64?  Over the years, my body has healed persistent and severe headaches, cancer, Graves disease, hip replacement surgery and knee replacement surgery which included a severe case of contact dermatitis. Over and over I have walked the journey back to health. Life is fragile and I feel extreme gratitude.

Later this same day I got a call from the president of a construction company. He and his crews are building the project we are working on together. (My other job is a construction contract administrator.) He called to let me know that there was a fatality on the project…the first in his forty years. A man fell off of scaffolding onto concrete. He didn’t go home after a days work as he expected. Life is fragile and I feel extremely sad.

Life is fragile. We are, contrary to the way we feel on any given day, vulnerably fragile. We are all one step away from the unexpected. I think by acknowledging our fragility we become more compassionate, less judgmental, more kind…and grateful. That’s how I feel today. It’s a good thing.

Much love always

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