Get a Grip!

Sometimes life is just hard. Things happen that are difficult to manage. They weigh on heart and mind…heavy things. When life is hard we don’t see clearly. Sometimes it’s as if we are looking through and walking in a fog.

Some things in life are definitely hard…but we make life harder by struggling against what is. We don’t like it, we want it to be over, we feel hurt by it, it takes too much effort, it’s uncomfortable. We make it hard by asking this question…why is this happening to me? Why me? Why am I the one who has to suffer this way?

The ‘why’ question has never really helped me. I’ve never been successful at struggling against anything. You know what helps me get a grip? Sitting with my tea in the morning, closing my eyes and breathing in and out. Praying these words…show me, make it clear to me. Practicing kindness. Paying attention to what helps me feel good. Slowing down. Realizing that every single body will return to dust. Knowing there is only this very moment.

Turns out the grip is not a grip at all. Getting a grip on life is actually about letting go, being more gentle, open and receptive to the wisdom from within.

I can’t make the hard stuff stop or make it all better…for myself or for anyone else. I can be prepared and so can you. What helps you get a grip? In other words, what are your practices…the ones that will carry you through the fire…when it’s smoky and hard to see?

With great humility

One thought on “Get a Grip!

  1. Beverly Perry

    Beautifully said Paula, so helpful.
    Always the right words at the right time
    Love, Beverly


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