“A woman was commiserating on all the problems of her life. A friend, trying to console her said, But my dear, you are tearing yourself apart by your anguish. Why not let it all go and find a sense of inner peace? The unrelenting woman replied, Oh, I just couldn’t do that. I think when the Lord sends me tribulations, it is my duty to tribulate.” Eric Butterworth, In the Flow of Life
Tomorrow starts the season of Lent in the Christian calendar. It is a season of preparation, a time for realigning our self with a greater spiritual sense and understanding of life. When we truly engage in meaningful preparation we emerge transformed…we are changed at depth…we are a different person…from the inside.
Many know Lent as a time of giving up or fasting from something. In our childhood we may have been encouraged to give up a favorite food or maybe as adults we fast from eating meals. The hope was that this would remind us of our spiritual nature and relationship to God. Often, as soon as Easter morning dawned we were right back into the behavior we might have perfected during the Lenten season.
But could we say that we were transformed…changed at depth? The story from Butterworth above gives us an idea of how we can use this season to give up something that results in a deep change. What about if we decide to let go of every story that keeps us in the place of tribulation…in the place of suffering?
Yes, there might be things happening in your life right now that feel uncomfortable, that seem overwhelming, that are not how you want your life to be. First, know that there is not a God out there sending you tribulations…look around, everyone has their share of life circumstances to negotiate. You are not being singled out for some special treatment! Second, you can decide whether to stew in your anguish or give it up. You can give up the telling of your woe is me story. You can decide to view your circumstance or situation from the perspective of possibility rather than as an obstacle. In other words, you can let go of the one limited, blinders-on view to which you are attached. You can open up to the possibilities in the moment and come from a more peaceful heart.
Give it up! The change in your life will not end on Easter morning.
Peace always