Good or Evil?

Do you believe in good and evil? Some days it’s hard to be in the world and not see these two competing forces. It seems there is a constant combat: the forces of good and the forces of evil. White hats and black hats. Angels and devils. Good guys and bad guys. Us and them.

It is curious that we don’t see the natural world this way. We don’t call it evil when the sun sets and leaves us in darkness. Or when the trees lose their leaves in the fall. Or when the wind howls and tears off a roof. Or when a hawk swoops in, talons grasping a grey squirrel unaware of its imminent demise. Or when the earth quakes and swallows people, cars and homes. We don’t call nature evil. Nature is as she is.

Our judgment is what makes something evil. And when we see what looks like evil in other humans, we don’t know what else to make of it. Because what looks like evil is often awful, horrible, despicable, incomprehensible, devastating. We feel incensed and angry. It’s just not right.

It takes practice and a good dose of trust to be able to consider that there is only one Source in the universe. And that Source has no opposite. One Source of all life. A single, powerful, Creative Intelligence. Call it what you call it…God, Love, the Cosmic Pulse of Life Itself. And this one Source is moving us all in the direction of harmony, light, potential, wholeness. There is no opposing force.

Could I believe that? Is it possible? Something to ponder.

With great humility


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