Good Stuff Happens

Good stuff happens all the time. It does. During the Christmas season it may seem that kindness is more abundant, but I don’t think so. I think we look for it this time of year and so we see it more often.

News reporters don’t spend all year looking for the good. We don’t see stories about good stuff happening as often during the year. We’ve got to look for them. That’s the key my friends. Acts of kindness, caring and tenderness are there I am sure. We just have to make a little more effort to find them. Noticing good stuff happening makes a difference. It changes us. We gain a broader view. We soften a bit. We see what is possible.

Eventually, maybe we don’t just notice it…maybe we are moved to make good stuff happen. Just the act of noticing the good actually sparks the same to rise up in us. We feel a desire in us to contribute…to make good stuff happen. If we pay attention to that desire, we feel compelled to act on it. So we start making good stuff happen.

Pretty soon it’s part of our DNA. We walk around the world making good stuff happen because it has become who we are. We don’t even have to think about it. It is our natural way of being.

Good stuff happening is changing the world. Are you part of the change?

Happy New Year!
Much love

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