What do I do with my sadness, my pain, my frustration, my fear and discomfort? Everything in me wants it to end. Wisdom says: stay with it, grasshopper. Know it. Turn it over in your mind. Feel it in your body. Experience the depth of it. Only then will it let you go.
Don’t pretend. Don’t stuff it down. Name it and own it instead. Let it move through you. Let it wear you out until you are spent and exhausted. Somehow, I’m not quite sure how, there is a path of healing, a turn toward wholeness that happens, a single spark of hope, a return of joy and peace.
Give your pain and fear a voice. Cry out. Punch the pillow. Hit golf balls. Plant flowers. Carry water jugs. Drop to your knees. Let the tears flow.
Our sweet boy Davey left us last week. He had just had his 14th birthday on March 7th. We were both with him at the vet’s office when we said goodbye. Our house feels empty. Renee and I are both sad. We’re sitting with that. Being present to it. Taking care of ourselves. Sleeping a little more. Eating a little less. Feeling how the world is different now that he is gone. We mention how he would love to walk on the cool mornings, silently pass his favorite ‘poop spot’, miss his click, click, click on the hard floor, wondering if our cat Buddha misses him.

As time passes we’ll more often remember him with a grateful smile rather than with tears in our eyes. What grace life offers to us for the love we share…to again feel joy in our once broken heart.
Much love always
2 Responses
Dear Paula and Renee,
So sorry to hear that your dear Davey had to leave you. I know that you all had a wonderful life together, and that you miss him dearly. It will take awhile to adjust to life without him and that you will always keep him in your hearts.
I still feel empty without my beloved Celia…still can picture and feel her sweet body…but I do have more times when I remember our hikes together and how much she loved playing in streams and running with the seaguls…memories for a life time.
Love you,
My heart goes out to you for the loss of your furry child. Sadly, I know all too well the heart break that both of you are experiencing. I trust that you will have faith in knowing that you will see him again one day…
Warmest Regards,
Kim Burleson