In one of our Coffee and Conversation groups (we meet twice a month on Saturday at Soul Center) … someone said this: Too often we don’t give ourselves permission to be happy. It was like a poke in the eye to some of us. Permission? To be happy? From me to me?
Well, yes. It seems we somehow feel we don’t deserve to be happy…to feel happy. To feel happy just because, for no good reason, without accomplishing anything or taking care of anyone but our own self. To be happy with our own self where we are and how we are, doing or not doing.
Sometimes we put conditions on our own happiness. Once this is over, when I get to this point, when I have this much…then I will have arrived. I’ll be happy then. Or how about this…how can I be happy when there is so much suffering in the world?
These are ways we sabotage happiness. We are all over the place with our stories of what we should be or should have been. How about we decide to be happy in the moment? For this very moment, to be satisfied and at ease exactly where we are?

Deep breath.
4 Responses
Love love love 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Much happiness flows from being kind and compassionate to others.
An ancient Chinese proverb I like says that
A trace of fragrance always remains in the hands of the one that presents you with roses. Cliff
So very true. Thank you Paula.