Have You Already Forgotten?

At this very moment the headline news does not include the report of shots fired or a number of dead due to gunfire or violence. Will it stay this way all day? If a report surfaces, will we be numb to the chaos and hate? With hardly a glance, will we return to our cup of coffee and keep our lunch plans and not look back?

Have you so quickly forgotten Orlando? Since then, there has been Minnesota, Louisiana and Dallas…since June 13th, one month ago. And these my friends, are only the events that made the top headline news. How many others…I have no idea.

How to make sense of it all? There is no sense to be found. How to find your own place in it is a better question. What is it calling you to be or to do…for the long run…is a question that you might be able to answer…if you stopped long enough to be still, take a breath and set aside the incessant noise in your mind.

Every event or activity or person that comes into your awareness is a call from the Universe to rise higher in your thinking and to come into greater alignment with love. It is a call to see differently, from a broader perspective. It is an invitation to examine your own life and to root out judgment…the idea that there is ‘us’ and ‘them’. It is an opportunity to grow and to change.

So if you have forgotten about the destruction, hurt, hatred, anger and fear that we have been reading about…this is your reminder. It is your reminder that the world needs you…to suspend judgment, rise higher, love more.

Knowing all things are possible,



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