“If you circumambulated every holy shrine in the world ten times, it would not get you to heaven as quick as controlling your anger.” Kabir Das, Mystic Poet and Saint, India
I think the opposite of anger is acceptance. But the root intention behind acceptance is peace…peace in heart, mind and soul. Just stop for a moment and feel peace in your body. Take a deep breath, slow down, be still, notice your hands, feel your chest rise and fall, let your shoulders drop, close your eyes, notice your heart. Be at peace: untroubled, tranquil, content (from dictionary.com). Peace rises from within.
This is heaven…a state of peace. Heaven is being awake, realizing possibilities, feeling love. And out of peace…from heaven…we know joy, understanding and compassion. The source of peace is within our own soul.
Anger is quite the opposite…it is a state of turmoil and resistance. It arises from our need to control and our expectation that life happen a certain way. Out of anger comes judgment, frustration and condemnation.
Controlling anger is accomplished simply by choosing peace. Simple, yes…easy, well not so much. With practice, however, it is possible to reside in heaven more often. So today commit to practicing peace. Start first in your body, choose peace in your body and let it flow from there.
Much, much love to you