Heavy Things

Sometimes life feels overwhelming…and heavy. That weight makes the world look different. It can make us feel separate from what’s going on ‘out there’. That’s what happens when we retreat into the cocoon of our own pain.

I remember feeling that way after my surgery a few years ago. I felt heavy. I felt like the world was spinning, people were going about their own business, and I was being left behind. I didn’t feel a part of the energy of the universe. I struggled. I felt blue. I tried to be positive. It was hard. A big part of my strategy for getting better was to do as much as possible on my own.

I missed out. Mark Nepo in The Book of Awakening opened my eyes. He puts it this way:

“When the pains of living feel sharp, open up your attention and give it freely, and the connections will even out the sharpness. When things feel heavy, reach out to whomever is near and distribute the weight.”

How often when in pain do we run to hide, when what we really need to do is distribute the weight? We are ashamed, embarrassed, not wanting to feel needy, afraid to share our vulnerability…and in all of that bunk, we separate ourselves from the connections that will help us feel whole, important and tenderly cared for.

Please share your heavy load with those who would gladly help you carry it. Together you will realize that connection is what makes pain bearable….and what makes life exquisitely precious.

That’s my plan.
Much love

3 thoughts on “Heavy Things

  1. Debby Creasy

    Dear Paula, As always, your wise words hit home and come when really needed.
    So true that we should reach out rather than hibernate in our own darkness. I am
    going to share your message with some close women friends who will also welcome
    With love and gratitude,

  2. Debby Creasy

    Dear Paula, Your wise words today hit home and come when really needed.
    So true that we should reach out rather than hibernate in our own darkness. I am
    going to share your message with some close women friends who will also welcome
    With love and gratitude,


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