
Ask for help. No, really, please. When you need help, ask. When you could use a hand, ask. Just ask! So many people say to me…I have a hard time asking for help. Why? What is that about? Maybe you think it’s a sign of weakness or you make up a story that asking will be an imposition or maybe you’re afraid someone will say no. I think the world would be a gentler place if we all just asked for help when we needed it. And let me say…we all could use some help now and then. All of us.

Here’s a newsflash for you: You can’t do life all by yourself. Not-possible.

I think our fierce desire to be independent and completely self-reliant has put us in a box. We’d rather struggle and suffer on our own. We’d rather pretend everything is okay when obviously it is not. You can lift some of this burden from yourself by simply saying: I can’t do this alone. Will you please help me?

It feels intimate because it is. Asking for help this way is an invitation beyond the doing, into the heart of the matter. It is a connection, an invitation to see our vulnerability. That’s why asking for help takes some courage. Maybe that’s the real reason we don’t ask for help. We lack the courage to be vulnerable.

Listen, we all know we are better together…that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link…that when the bar is set higher we all rise together toward it. So, ask for help. Be grateful for it. Enjoy the connection. Notice how it lifts you up. This is a life-affirming way to live.

The affirmation? We are One. All is well. Thank you.

One thought on “Help!!!

  1. Elizabeth H Freeman

    Wow! YES! Such an important, basic Life Lesson…I’m still trying to learn it & am grateful for Paula for being here for us. And for reminding me. Thank you. Namaste


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